Project New Lens
Nebraska’s beautiful Two Rivers State Recreation Area serves as home base to pilot our sleepaway camp adventure. From there, we will make several excursions off-camp in commercial vans provided by Omaha ForUs to include an exciting list of adventures (see below). Interested? Complete the interest form ASAP - space is limited!
Remodeled Union Pacific cabooses serve as bunkhouses, with modern amenities including deck for outside dining, kitchenette, stovetop, fridge, toilet, sink, shower, and air conditioning. Four bunk beds are located in the rear, and two mattresses are located in the upper cupola for additional sleeping or storage. Watch the linked video for a quick tour of the space!
Classic campfire songs, marshmallow roasting, and storytelling.
Forge new friendships through shared experiences and adventure.
Make menus, working together to order on-site meals and practice preparing our own.
Horseback Riding
Learn equestrian caretaking through groundwork and enjoy the teamwork of riding horseback through state park trails.
Harness the wind and water to glide across a sparkling lake in a lifechanging experience.
Explore the beauty of our prairie landscapes with guided nature hikes.
Find balance and test your teamwork on a slackline course for you and your new friends.
Meander down a Nebraska river or tread water in one of the many beautiful lakes.
Wakesurfing offers an exhilarating experience, riding the lake waves under the afternoon sun.
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What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.