Due to staffing, our regularly scheduled 19+ LGBTQ+ support group will meet virtually on Monday, January 20th from noon-1:30pm on zoom - there will be no in person group on January 22
Space is limited. Registration will close once it is full or on Sunday, January 19th, at 8pm. The zoom link will be sent to those who have registered on Monday morning.
No one will be admitted after 12pm, even if you have pre-registered, to protect the integrity of the group so please plan to log on to zoom by 11:50.
Please read the registration form carefully for guidelines specific this virtual group.
This group is an intentional community for adults to process the intersections of mental health and LGBTQ+ identity through shared lived experience. This group is peer facilitated and is not therapy.
The 19+ LGBTQ+ Support Group typically meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 6-7:30pm at Omaha ForUs, and the next in person Wednesday meeting will be on February 12th.
If you need immediate support please contact 988 or a hotline of your choosing. For additional mental health resources visit
If you have any questions please email